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New Location in Potsdam
Beeh & Happich GmbH is strengthening its position in Berlin with the acquisition of the accountancy firm pon.tus GmbH of Potsdam.

Doing business in a more transparent world:
In 2018 Beeh & Happich GmbH also assisted the World Bank in creating the global survey “Doing Business“:
Doing Business Report 2019

10.03.2025 Erneut mehr Betriebsgr&uendungen als Betriebsaufgaben im Jahr 2024
Zahl der vollst&aendigen Aufgaben gr&oe&sserer Betriebe steigt...
04.03.2025 Übungsleiter oder Ehrenamt: So profitiert man im Minijob
Viele Minijobberinnen und Minijobber engagieren sich im Ehrenamt...
04.03.2025 Keine steuerliche Förderung nach der Wohnraumoffensive für Ersatzneubauten
Ein vermietetes Wohngeb&aeude abzurei&ssen und durch...
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Business and Financial Advice

We consult with you to implement an effective corporate structure which is appropriate for your vision and assist you in the selection of a meaningful financial plan.

We will assist you, our clients, in setting up an accounting or suitable cost accounting system for your company. On request, we can also help you in recruiting suitable personnel.

We are there to help you set up your company, as well as assist with restructuring, conversions, buying or selling a company or finding a practical succession plan.

In addition joint-stock companies and partnerships, we serve private individuals, individual companies and foundations under public law.